Please, send your best pictures to, and, if they are retained to appear in this page, we will credit your account with 50 free hours of use per image. If you agree, we will mention your name and eventually we will establish a link to your web site or your email address. Your images must result directly from KitchenDraw (no post processing) and must be exported in the .JPG format with a resolution higher than 800x600.
Kitchendraw Com
OgeeTek is a company formed of passionate and driven people, our aim is to create comprehensive & easy to use space planning solutions for many sections of the construction & design industries. We have many years of hands on experience of the manufacturing and design process from drawing board to factory to installation. Along with our extensive knowledge of I.T. solutions for these industries, we are in unique position to offer solutions & advice to our customers. Bridging the gap between design and production. We are business partners with PRAGMA Informatique, PRAGMA Informatique was founded in 1990 by Philippe and Bernard Laudrin with the purpose of developing and commercializing an innovative space planning software. Today more than one million people have downloaded KitchenDraw across five continents and more than 90 000 users are registered on the web site. We are also constantly in a state of research & development to ensure we bring the best and newest technology to the market.
Użytkownicy zużywający intensywnie godziny ( wiele stanowisk i/lub ciągła praca na stacjach roboczych), mogą otrzymać zniżki lub dodatkowe godziny gratis. W tym celu prosimy o rejestrację w systemie, a następnie kontakt z naszą firmą ( mail:
KitchenDraw belongs to Photo & Graphics Tools. The following versions: 7.0, 6.5 and 6.0 are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users. Commonly, this program's installer has the following filenames: kd.EXE, run.exe, dubujod.EXE, KitchenDraw_4.5.exe and kitchendraw-6.5.exe etc. KitchenDraw was developed to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 and is compatible with 32-bit systems.